Publications on climate finance and sustainable development
A sample of some recent publications on climate finance, climate change and sustainable development
Here are some publications in which I have participated, on climate change, climate finance, sustainable finance and sustainable development.
Many of my publications are included in my LinkedIn profile:
I would highlight the following:
- La estrategia de negociación sobre el paquete de financiamiento climático en el Acuerdo de Paris de Cambio Climático de AILAC (book chapter in Spanish)
- Economic Relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean
- Presentation on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement and Climate Finance
- Presentation on Green Recovery and Climate Finance in Ecuador
- Climate change, debt relief, debt swaps and climate finance (blog article)
- Case studies on Circular Economy models and integration of Sustainable Development Goals in business strategies in the EU and LAC (contributor and editor)
- Financing the transition to renewable energy in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean (editor)
- Promover el Desarrollo Sostenible, Bajo en Emisiones y con Mayor Resiliencia al Cambio Climático (in Spanish)
- Fuentes de Financiamiento para implementar las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas (presentation in Spanish)
- Innovative instruments for climate finance (co-author)
- Gearing up for the COP20 in Lima – Progress on Climate Financing
- Sustainable Development: Environment, Climate Change and Energy (contributor)
- Toward Sustainable and Equitable Development: Sector Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean (co-author and editor)
Publication low-emission sustainable development with greater resilience to climate change in Ecuador, Grupo FARO, 2017.